Análisis de factores de riesgo de deserción en estudiantes de pregrado. Caso Universidad de La Salle 2010-2020


<p>The object of this research is the determinants of student desertion in undergraduate students, empirical case of the first year of the Universidad de La Salle. For this purpose, data from three secondary sources of information were used for 11 970 students with entrance cohorts between 2010-2020. The present study has a quantitative approach, non-experimental type and descriptive analytical character. For the analysis of the determinants, use was made of the Hierarchical Logit Model, which allows explaining the effects of the variables at different levels of aggregation. The results allowed concluding that men have a higher probability of dropping out than women and that the academic average, subject repetition rate and age are the associated factors that best help explain dropout; additionally, there are other variables that allow understanding university dropout such as socioeconomic level, Icetex financial support, academic support, tuition costs and calamity situations.</p>
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university dropout
higher education
logit models
hierarchical models