Deformidades en la cultura: obstáculos para la formación de una sociedad


The following article will present a diagnosis of social loss; a construction of walls that seeks to establish a separation of the individual from his own community, government and spirituality. Focusing on the concept of Soren Kierkegaard’s deadly disease as the suffering of society and elucidating the concept of government in Machiavelli, which establishes the starting point for the epidemic of this disease and its relationship with the separation of the subject with respect to his reality. The representation of the current society portrayed in the article is a clear criticism of the social processes that are established in our society; it is a close look at the skeleton of Latin American society and discover that the political crisis does not only refer to the high officials and the people who direct the power in the states, it is a look at the citizen we have inside and who plays a fundamental role in the construction of this society.
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